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Erin Clarke, Ben Clarke and their dog Teddy on a dock
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  • Have a question about a specific recipe? Often, you can find the answer already added to the blog post, in the recipe notes, or answered in a prior comment. A quick web search will often answer you faster than I can too (this is particularly true of substitution questions).
  • Have a more general question about my site or recipes? Be sure to check my FAQ page. You might be able to have your question answered on the spot.
  • Just leaving feedback about a recipe you made? Thank you for contributing to the Well Plated community! I look forward to reviewing it soon.

I read and truly appreciate every comment. I try to respond to questions within one to three days, though if I am traveling or it is the weekend, sometimes it may be a bit longer. Thank you for your patience in advance.

Warmly, Erin (and Ben and Teddy too!)